
A Tip and A Question!!

I’ve got a quick tip and an offer for you!

First, the tip: If you’re looking for a way to prepare healthier food for someone who swears by a deep fryer, try an air fryer.

You might already have one, but if you don’t, here’s the deal: an air fryer is a more modern “toaster oven” that uses hot air and a fan to make food crispy. They’re super popular and very easy to clean.

The best part: in an air fryer, you don’t need all the oil that you’d use in a deep fryer. That means you can reduce fat intake—and overall caloric intake—but still get those crispy foods some people crave. Air-frying chefs I know will even put low-calorie rubs on lean cuts of meat like pork tenderloin and chicken breasts, then pop them in the air fryer.

This is a great option for anyone who doesn’t have an outdoor grill or someone who doesn’t feel like cooking outside on cold nights.

One word of caution: read the air-fryer instructions and be sure not to overcook foods or dry them out. That can ruin everything. I recommend you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and then start your own “cheat sheet” with times and temperatures so you can cook food exactly the way you want it every time. With your personal cooking guide in hand, you’ll be able to produce delicious “fried food” without the extra calories.

Are you already an air-frying wizard? If so, I’d love to share your favorite healthy dish with our clients. Hit “reply” and tell me what it is!

An Offer for You and Your Co-Workers

A Big question: How’s work these days?

I know a lot of people have gone through a ton of changes over the last three years. Some worked remotely for a period, and others are still online. A lot of people changed jobs or took on new duties in the same company, and I know the last three years had a lot of people exercising less, eating more, and drinking more.

I’d love to help the people around you have the same success you’re having. I’ve got a few ideas. Let me know if any of them sound appealing!

What if I came to your workplace and did a short lunchtime seminar on stress management, stretching for desk or warehouse workers, eating for energy, or anything similar? We could even do a team-building activity that might bring everyone together.

I’d make sure to leave time for a Q&A session so your workmates can ask me anything they want—about fitness, nutrition, or anything else.

What do you think?

If you have someone at your workplace who handles things like this, would you introduce us?

I’d love to lock down a date and time for a free seminar that might help some of the people around you!

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