
Tools to Keep Living In The Gain!

Yesterday, we talked about “The Gap and The Gain” and how living in the gain promotes a positive outlook on life, leading to more success rather than living in the gap (the area between where we are and where we want to be)!

Today I’ve got some different tasks and tools for you to follow to build the habit up of living in the gain:

Teach Someone Else

This is by far the easiest one to do and is awesome for emergencies when you feel like the grass is greener in your neighbors lawn.

Write down in a notes tab on your phone “What is the one thing that is bothering me most right now?”

Then hit enter and write your answer to that question.

Then write the questions “What would I tell me friend who has the same problem to do to help them solve/alleviate that problem?

The write down what you would do to help your friend! As you write it, you’ll start to feel a lot better as it will give you perspective on the issue. After all, you’re a Vegvisir athlete! You thrive off of helping others! Use that skill of yours to help yourself from time to time !

Every Day at 3pm List 3 Wins From The Day and 3 Projected Wins for Tomorrow

Now, here is your daily task! It’ll take just 60 seconds to do and is gonna focus on what makes your day rock!

At 3pm, I want you to write down 3 wins you had today and 3 wins you are pretty sure will happen tomorrow! It can be as simple as “the barista at Starbucks spelled my name right.”

If ya want help doing this, I love using the “WinStreak” app from the app store: (No affiliation, just a good app for this exact habit).

(Google Play: )

Review Your Win List and Post on Bright Spot Friday

Every Friday (before ya head into work), hop on the Vegvisir CrossFit Member’s Only Page on Facebook!

Go to your notes app or your WinStreak app and look through your wins for the week! Take your favorites and make a post that starts with “#BSF”!

Then put those favorite bright spots in your post and share them with your Vegvisir Fam! It doesn’t just have to be about fitness and it isn’t bragging! It’s a mindset exercise to focus on all the good you’ve been doing!

Take Every Thank You Card You Get From Someone and Keep It In A Drawer At Your Desk

At your job, at Vegvisir, and in life, you’re gonna get thank you letters from people for being the awesome person you are.

Helping people move, hitting PRs, being there with a friend in a tough time, and all the other reasons get thank you cards and texts, save them.

Put them on a board, make a folder, or keep em in a drawer.

When you start to feel like things aren’t heading in the right direction, take a look at that collection of thank you’s and personal bests. It will help remind you that you are trying you’re hardest and are doing great things. Not every day is a home run. Some days we don’t feel like we are moving forward at all. But, you are.

Keep being awesome! You will always be your biggest critic. You’ll always be like that coach of the New England Patriots that goes “On to the next week.” Let the other side of you know that it’s all alright and you’ll get to that next step (just not with a negative outlook)!

Have an amazing day y’all and see you in the gym!
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