
Kick Fad Diets To The Curb!

Does calorie counting make your eyes glaze over?

Is the scale in your bathroom an obelisk standing for mental anguish?

Well, what if you looked at your diet through the lens of aiding what you want to do in life and tracking your food was as simple as holding your hand up next to your food?

In today’s podcast, Nikki and I discuss how we can take a healthier approach to looking at our diets and making steady changes that we can sustain throughout our lives!

To give it a listen and/or download this week’s episode, go ahead and CLICK HERE to access the podcast!

You can also find it on Spotify and Apple Podcasts by searching “Vegvisir CrossFit & Personal Training!”

If you like what you hear and developing a health routine for life with coaches who care, CLICK HERE to schedule your No Sweat Intro to meet with your coach today!

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