
Harnessing Games Euphoria!

The CrossFit Cult has consumed you. You watched the Games this weekend and event after event, your love for your workout routine grew and ideas like “what if I were as jacked as Dani Speegle?” popped into your head. 

You’ve talked with your friends, partners, and coaches till your vocal chords ran dry and now you’re sitting here reading this post feeling like the excitement from the games is starting to wane just a bit…

Take Action.

If you’ve read any post about why I started doing CrossFit, you know that I started my CrossFit journey by watching Rich Froning compete in the 2013 and 2014 games. I would watch those fittest people on earth crush these events and thought things like “I wish I could do half the things those guys could!” 

I would watch the games every year, get excited, and then just keep on squatting and doing bicep curls in hopes of doing those movements “some day” or being built like a teenage mutant ninja turtle “when I get enough time.” 

I didn’t actually start improving at these movements until someone saw me flipping tires at a lifetime and said “you would be good at CrossFit” for me to actually join my first CrossFit style class and just dedicate time and effort to go get that Rx Linda Score (that was actually the first thing I ever wanted to Rx. It wasn’t the first, but it was the one I wanted most!). 

You’re Already 3 Steps Ahead Of Me!

The best thing for you, wonderful person that you are, is that you joined a CrossFit gym and have taken steps that have you ahead of where I was:

  1. You’ve humbled yourself and hired coaches that have been where you haven’t yet.
    1. I didn’t even join a CF gym until AFTER I got my CF-L1…yup. That makes sense. 
  2. You joined a community of like minded athletes who want to improve their health every day!
    1. I was just training alone in a globo gym. I had a friend who took steroids though…his fist bumps hurt.
  3. You are already CrossFitting!
    1. Our entire gym is built upon my mistakes in my fitness journey. From On-Ramp to Class, you are doing CrossFit in a safe environment with a program designed to help you improve at these foundational movements for life!

Which Means You Only Need To Do 1 (or 2) Things To Harness That Energy!

Since you are already so far ahead of where I was and have a routine where you are already improving everyday, you just need to decide one area you want to improve in and make a push. 

Wanna get jacked like Dani Speegle? 

Set up an Athlete Check-In through your Wodify app in the BUY section (it’s free and part of your membership!). You can talk with one of your coaches about some next steps with nutrition and if you might need some help with accountability! You can also check out the blog posts on our website to get some helpful nutrition knowledge as well as looking back in some of our past emails to help you work towards those 6 pack abs!

Did you enjoy watching the masters athletes who have proven you can be fit well into your 70s??

Schedule your classes every Sunday for the week and continue to make your fitness routine a priority in your life! The work you are doing today by training 3+ times per week is laying a foundation for life long health! #Muscleupsdon’thavetobetheonlycoolthinginCrossFit

“I really want to learn to Squat like those guys at the game! They had such wide and deep stances!”

Then really start focusing on exaggerating end ranges of motion in your warm-ups, taking each rep as seriously as you would the MetCon. You can also do the Sunday Stretch routines we post in the Wodify App for everyone to do on their most relaxing day of the week to reset, recharge, and get swole & flexy! Then ask your coach for a stretch to do after class in an area you feel tightest in your squat (do this enough and we can make it a regularly scheduled thing in our programming). 

What Matters Is That You See Sub Heading 1 (TAKE ACTION):

Just like you took action to walk through the doors of Vegvisir and start your fitness journey with us, take make consistent efforts in making small changes and building them into your routine. Take note of where you are at when you start then look back at the point 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days later. 

If you stay dedicated to the change you’ve made, I promise you’ll smile looking back, even if it doesn’t produce the result you weren’t intending. Because, you took actions that most people would not to work on yourself and just be 1% better than the day before.

To talk with a coach today, click the link found HERE to schedule your No Sweat Intro

fill out this form to get started >>

Take the first step towards getting the results that you want!