The deadline for scores has come and passed. Places are being finalized and athletes are learning if they have made it to the next stage of the CrossFit Games season.
This year’s Open was a test that started out going one direction and rounded itself out into a great overall test by the end. We were all tested on our 10 general athletic traits. Each workout had something that we all could do and something that a lot of us couldn’t.
Take a moment and look back at how you did. Not at the place on the leaderboard or the weights missed. Look at your efforts. Did you put your full effort into each workout? Did you finish dying and covered in sweat like everyone else? If your answer is yes, then that is all you could do and you should be immensely proud! You pushed through 4 weeks of extremely tough physical tests and came out the other side fitter and wiser. As we continue to reflect, remember that and let it color your view of this open. We can only learn from our efforts if we have 0 regrets about the way we attacked each workout! You should be proud.
What happened during the Open?:
The next thing to consider with your performance in the Open is, what are your goals?
We all are a part of this gym because we have some motivation to improve our lives. What part of our health and fitness are we trying to improve the most?
If you came in this Open looking to be in a certain placing? How did you do? Which workout was your biggest weakness?
If you came into The Open looking to get a new skill, did you get that movement this time around?
Looking for friends and community? How many new athletes did you meet with the Friday Night Lights? How much more fun are you having with people cheering you on to succeed?
No matter what you want to accomplish, now is a great time to reflect on what you set out to do over these past few months! Your results should directly influence what we focus on in the next 90 days!
What Bright Spots do you have?
Now that you’re taking some time to think back on this cycle and The Open, what were you favorite moments?
In anyones journey through life, a positive outlook has been proven to improve stress levels and make you feel happier.
I’m are not saying to look back at it with rose tinted glasses. What I am saying is to look at your body of work with the intent of finding the truthful good that you did.
This can be anything from starting each of the workouts to getting your first pull-up!
Use this as positive fuel to push you through the points when it’s hard to stick to our efforts!
What do we attack first?
We’ve asked plenty of questions of our selves. We looked back at what we have done, compared it to what we set out to do, and have found the nuggets of joy that fueled us along the way.
Now it is time to gaze out forward.
To keep the metaphor going; gaze forward, but only 3 steps ahead. We need to take this as we are on a mountain hike, not cruising along through suburbia. Each step is a feat and should be treated as such.
What are the next 3 things we wanna attack that we know are just on the other side? Something that during the Open we went “AHHHHH I almost had it!” or “I’ll get it next time!!”
Think of things that you view as holding you back. Things that you want help with.
“I wanna finally not be scared of seeing double unders,” is gonna be one that I wanna hear a lot of! So, many of us are so close and I would love to see that annoying bear get off of y’all’s backs!
Take time to think about what you wanna do next. Make it smart, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based! That is what we are gonna attack next.
What to do now that we have got a goal in mind?
Schedule a 90-day check-in with one of your coaches! Take this information that you have thought of and bring it to the person you trust most with your fitness. This will be valuable time spent with your fitness mentors that will yield faster results because they will be targeted and with your habits as an athlete in mind!
Don’t have a goal to come to the session with?
That’s okay!! We can talk it out and find out what is really driving that fire to come to the gym!
Schedule you 90-Day Check-In HERE
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Schedule your free consultation HERE to sit down with one of our coaches to get a plan rolling along!